Disabled and older people can find wheelchair user homes for rent more swiftly thanks to a strengthened search function on England’s dedicated accessible housing portal, Accessible NOW.
The site boasts key information that other property portals may not have, including accessibility features like wet rooms, step free entrances, parking, location, proximity to shops and transport links along with photos of key areas within the home.
Not for profit national housing mobility scheme Homefinder UK developed Accessible NOW in partnership with the social housing provider of accessible homes, Habinteg Housing Association.
English Housing Survey data shows that around 400,000 wheelchair users are living in homes that are neither designed for nor adapted to their needs, and only 9% of English homes have even the most basic accessibility features.
“With over 1,300 housing associations in England, just think what we could achieve if they all market their accessible properties on the platform,” said Christina McGill, Habinteg’s Director of Social Impact and External Affairs.
“Disabled and older people, and their families, would be able to find a suitable accessible home in one trusted resource.”For further information visit https://homefinderuk.org/accessible-now-channel or https://www.habinteg.org.uk/